Two WingsSchool

Education for service to Humanity

Nothing is too heavy for those who have wings. We learn in order to serve.

Our Mission

Provide positive, appropriate learning opportunities for each student regardless of social, cultural, economic, or intellectual status in the atmosphere of love, unity and try to live up to the school’s motto "Be the best that you can be".

These opportunities shall foster the development of basic values, good citizenship, and a strong sense of self-worth to enable students to be productive citizens in a rapidly changing world.

Two Wings School has its commitment to developing all human resources to their fullest potential recognizing that educational excellence depends upon individual success. Quality education depends upon collaborative commitment.

Equal Educational Opportunity Policy

All students at Two Wings School shall have the same educational opportunities regardless of race, color, religion, ethnic origin, sex, or disabilities.

School Philosophy

We believe that every child who attends Two Wings School deserves our best professional guidance and individual respect. We feel obligated to guide each child to his fullest potential.

We also believe that the education of a child is not restricted to what he/she experiences in school, but includes all of his/her experiences in life, and the manner and degree to which these affect his/her thinking, attitudes, and behavior.

We, therefore,need to collaborate our efforts with parents, community, and social agencies and utilize their resources for the advantage of the child and the community at large.

Finally, as those who assume a major role in the child’s process of education, we believe that our most important consideration is what happens to him/her in theteaching-learning situation in school. Among all factors, which enter into this situation, we consider the parents’ and teachers’ combined efforts to be the most crucial.